Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dreamweaver UltraDev 4.0

Dreamweaver UltraDev 4.0 Review

I am the Internet Manager for an art supply company, and a web programmer at heart. I manage 5 people, and a couple of websites for our company. We bought Dreamweaver and Ultradev 4 copies for everyone about 4 months ago, and I have become completely ADDICTED to this product.

I have done more than my fair share of hand coding, notepad was my previous editor. And though the hand coding purists may pooh-pooh this kind of product, I will never go back. This product has allowed me to become about 8 times as productive - and now I expect my employees to be more productive also.

The html editing tools are great in themself, but combine this with the ability to rapidly create dynamic pages has allowed me to create all kinds of management tools that in a short period of time - that I used to just daydream about. Instead of thinking - wouldn't it be nice if I had the time to do 'this' - I can have things up and working in a day or two.

It has allowed me - literaly - to create my own applications, in about the same time it would take for me to explain what I want to another person. Love It!

Dreamweaver UltraDev 4.0 Overview

Dreamweaver UltraDev is an enhanced version of Macromedia's leading Web-authoring tool. The standout additional feature is dynamic content, which is when pages have live links to databases or other types of server-side scripting. Most products of this type require extensive manual coding, but UltraDev has an extensive library of built-in scripts, called Server Behaviors, that allow even moderately sophisticated sites to be built with little or no code. Version 4 looks similar to its predecessor, but includes important changes that make it more complete and easier to use.

One of the best new features is the split code and design view, which lets you edit either the code or the visual design and see changes instantly echoed between them. There is also built-in security, so you can create login procedures and password-protected sites. Finally, the Live Objects wizards automatically create page elements to handle common tasks, such as a master/detail page set, or forms to insert and update records.

UltraDev supports three kinds of server-side scripting: Active Server Pages, JavaServer Pages, and Cold Fusion. Unfortunately, it does not support PHP, which is popular on Linux and Unix servers, although because UltraDev is extensible, there may be some third-party add-ins. The features for the three models are similar but not identical, although in every case there is excellent database support. Its great strength is that you can focus on designing your pages and let UltraDev handle the data access code. You can even display live data at design time, making it easier to get exactly the right appearance.

Everything in Dreamweaver is also in UltraDev, so this is the ideal package for Web authors who need to add dynamic content with a minimum of fuss. --Tim Anderson

Dreamweaver UltraDev 4.0 Specifications

Build ASP, JSP, or CFML Web applications quickly by using Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev 4. Rapidly build database-driven Web applications in a single design environment, and maintain total control over source code. Professional hand-coding environment includes ASP, JSP, and CFML keyword color-coding, autoindenting, punctuation balancing, and the ability to debug client-side JavaScript directly in your browser. View live, server-side data in the workspace, and make edits to layout and logic on the fly. Maximize productivity with built-in server behaviors, the ability to create your own library of reusable server behaviors easily, and powerful shortcuts for creating user authentication, master/detail pages, and more. Improve development efficiency with sitewide reports, project tracking, and integration with version-control systems like Microsoft Visual SourceSafe for Windows and leading content-management systems.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 07, 2010 06:22:03

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