Borland C++ 4.5 DOS, 16-32 Bit Windows Review
Borland C++ 4.5 DOS, 16-32 Bit Windows Feature
- The world-standard C and C++ Special Upgrade Requires ownership of: MS Visual C++, SymantecC++, Watcom C++, Turbo C++, Paradox, DBASE, or Visual Basic System: DOS/Windows Version 4.5
- Only Boralnd C++ 4.5 gives you all this: - DOS, Windows, Win32, Windows NT, and Windows 95 development from one environment - Best ANSI C++ support - NEW! AutoGen OLE automation - NEW! On-line manual technology - NEW! OpenHelp power help utility
- - NEW AppExpert, ClassExpert, and Object Components Framework provide point-and-click OLE 2.0 container and server support - NEW! Breakthrough VBX Control Support for 16- and 32-bit Windows
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 14, 2011 05:00:06
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