2Fast 2Furious Silverscreen Theme downloadable Software Review
2Fast 2Furious Silverscreen Theme downloadable Software Feature
- Ram Used: 0
- Resolutions: Sony Hi-Res (320x320), Sony Hi-Res+ (320x480), Palm Hi-Res (320x320)
2Fast 2Furious Silverscreen Theme downloadable Software Overview
2 F A S T 2 F U R I O U S SILVERSCREEN THEME Life on the fast lane can be tough2 F A S T 2 F U R I O U S SILVERSCREEN THEME Life on the fast lane can be tough. Especially when you're juggling between work and play, your Themes and your PDA. Hmm...did we say Themes ? Maybe we meant Dreams. So what do you do when things get too tough? Too fast.Too furious. Its time you Get Customized...Presenting the truly one of a kind Silverscreen Theme featuring one of the sleeper hit of all time - 2Fast 2Furious Silverscreen Theme! Check out the following special features : - Custom Scrollbar (one of a kind!) - Custom Battery Meter (featuring a fuel gauge!) - Custom Toolbar (featuring those mean machines!) - Custom Rom Icons (18 hi-res graphical scenes from the movie!) And if that's not enough, check out the following extras : - Custom Backdrop Pack (six (6) hi-res rendered background images!) - Custom Font Pack (four (4) unique fonts for that totally customized experience!) - [v3.0] Updates : [BONUS !] Backdrop Booster Pack! (anadditional eight (8) new backdrops for a different look each day!) So what are you waiting for? Its time to hit the road!
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 02, 2010 22:44:02
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