Wednesday, October 6, 2010

China Blue/Embossed Tiles SS Theme downloadable Software

China Blue/Embossed Tiles SS Theme downloadable Software Review

China Blue/Embossed Tiles SS Theme downloadable Software Feature

  • Ram Used: 202
  • Resolutions: Sony Hi-Res (320x320), Palm Hi-Res (320x320), Palm Standard (160x160)

China Blue/Embossed Tiles SS Theme downloadable Software Overview

  C H I N A   B L U E   and   E M B O S S E D   T I L E S !!! THANK YOU for your interest in my themes! Well! It's been a few weeks since I released a theme, and with this offering, you get TWO (related but entirely different) themes. While working on them, I created one, created the other, and was not at all able to determine which one I preferred. So, I decided to release them as a set. These themes use PocketSensei's SilverScreen, and have been tested on: - Palm Tungsten T (Hi Res: 320x320 color); - Handspring Visor Prism (Lo Res: 160x160 color) - Handspring TREO 90 (Lo Res: 160x160 color) - PEG-T615C (Hi Res: 320x320 color). PLEASE TRY THE DEMO FIRST!! Please be sure that you are happy with the appearance. If you like this theme, let me know, and I will be happy to create more. If you have any ideas or requests, send `em on! Now includes Sony Clie Pre-OS5 Hi Res support!! I suggest that, if you do want to try is Theme, please download the DEMO first and make sure it looks good to your taste. If you like this theme, let me know, and I will be happy to create more. If you have any ideas or requests, send `em on! Try the demo first!   S i l v e r S c r e e n   V e r s i o n   3! All of our themes are FULLY compatible with Pocket Sensei's new SilverScreen Version 3! If you have purchased this upgrade, you already know about the amazing features! One of which is ::: backdrops! OS

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 06, 2010 19:52:02

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