Tuesday, October 5, 2010

iPalm ZLauncher Theme and DIA/VG downloadable Software

iPalm ZLauncher Theme and DIA/VG downloadable Software Review

iPalm ZLauncher Theme and DIA/VG downloadable Software Feature

  • Ram Used: 0
  • Resolutions: Sony Hi-Res (320x320), Sony Hi-Res+ (320x480), Palm Hi-Res (320x320), Palm Hi-Res (320x480), Palm Hi-Res Landscape (320x480)

iPalm ZLauncher Theme and DIA/VG downloadable Software Overview

iPalm is a ZLauncher Theme (skin), for Palm Powered devices running ZLauncher 4+, loosely based on the default skin for Apple Computer's iTunes software. This ZLauncher theme will work on any HiRes (320x320)or HiRes+ (320x480 or 480x320) Palm OS4 or Palm OS 5 handhelds running in either portrait or landscape display mode. For T3 and T5 handhelds, only, you can optionally install a matching iPalmDIA. This DIA requires the use of SkinDIA! or F3 T3AgendaBG. For the Zodiac a DIA is available for use with SkinTW! For Sony handhelds with a virtual graffiti area you can optionally install VGiPalm.prc. This file requires the use of ClieSkinner. Highlights of the ZLauncher theme include: * Looks good with any ZLauncher screen setup, including when Transparent UI is turned on * Includes over 70 color icons for use with different ZLauncher categories * Several default backgrounds * High quality, crisp and clear icons * All buttons, files, and icons are skinned The demo version of this ZLauncher theme is fully functional, all buttons, files, and icons are included in the theme. Many icons and background images, though, contain the word Demo or the letter "D" which do not exist in the registered version. The demo version does not include iPalm Classic.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 05, 2010 12:32:05

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