Wednesday, October 27, 2010

StayOffHack downloadable Software

StayOffHack downloadable Software Review

StayOffHack downloadable Software Feature

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StayOffHack downloadable Software Overview

The hack immediatly shuts the Palm Computing Device off after it is awakened by the power, contrast or hardware application buttons. This is being done to prevent various cases that press on these buttons from killing the batteries. This Hack is intended for devices running a version of PalmOS that is older that PalmOS 4.0 if you have PalmOS version 4.0 or greater than try the stand alone application StayOff which does not require HackMaster. StayOffHack has a preferences panel to allow you to configure which of these buttons StayOffHack should act on so you have complete conrol over how StayOffHack works.If you enable the "PowerButton StayOff" feature it will require you to first press and hold the page-down or Contrast key before pressing the Power Button to wake your Palm Device. It's a nice way of keeping people from turning on your Palm Device as well ;-)The contrast button option was added because some PalmV/Vx devices have a unique problem in which the contrast button wakes the device and most PalmV/Vx devices will wake if the contrast button is held for 60 seconds.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 27, 2010 18:31:04

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